Mirth to Mourn

Mirth to Mourn
Every garden plant did give
The season's birth of flowers,
My own mental joy did chew
Sumptuously in those bowers.
Methinks my wish it was
That these flowers knew
And at once made a choice
To have a birth anew
Lovely breeze knew this event,
Came in stealth and gave
A slight shake of hand a plant
To share her mirth, court her love.
I think it is to enrich my joy
Did these tender leaves and flowers
Each other embraced in added joy
O ! it seemed a dance of flowers.
Beautiful butterflies mused and flew
From flower to flower wet with dew,
Hum of bees too, came to attend
The march of autumn in a band
Songs of Skylark, flute of Koel,
Note of Nightingale accompanied
As they soar and sung methinks,
It's to soothe my soul they served.
Plants and trees, through their blooms
Lend me scent and honey sweet.
All the birds and beetles diverse
Make my earth the happiest place.
For a while stood I steadfast,
Had a feast of eyes happy and lost
In mirth and juvenile thirst
Forgetting what follows next.
How ! I wondered all these elements
Do thus expend all their talents
In music, dance and all their wealth
Of colours, fragrance and sweetness.
Do they fulfill the will of God
Whom His spouse- Nature queen
Helps to create, sustain, add
And destroy to create again ?
For, I see the foliage green
Grow greasy white or brown
Flowers fade and fruits serene
Appear ripe and soon go down
Butterflies and bees come no more
Singing birds are seldom seen,
In this once happy seat, alas now,
Lone, and lost, I stand to mourn.
© 2008 Anuj Nair.
All rights reserved.